Go for a hike at Beachwood Mangrove Nature Reserve

Nestled alongside the Umgeni River and a stone's throw away from the city, Beachwood Mangroves is a must for nature lovers. Explore the mangroves on an elevated boardwalk or visit our education center. They're open on the 3rd Saturday of every month. On the shoreline, there are sand dunes where creeping plants and pioneer scrub are to be found. There is some birdlife, including the Mangrove Kingfisher, Curlew and Water Dikkop. The Natal Nightjar may sometimes be heard. With the help of Lions International, a boardwalk has been built over the channels to gain access You can also expect to encounter the strange mudskippers - fish that use their pectoral fins to either skim over the water or to propel themselves across the mud. There are also thousands of fiddler crabs with their single large claw and an assortment of molluscs. There are three trails in the reserve, taking the visitors to the bird hide and to the swamp, where waders come to feed. The Beachwood Mangroves Reserve is only open to the public every 3rd Saturday of every month from 08h00 to 13h00. Outside these dates, it is by appointment only. The Reserve is just off Riverside Road in Durban North.

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082 559 2839


Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 8AM to 1PM